Tragedy on Villa Street

Battlestar Galactica didn't record tonight people. Unbe-freagin-leavable. I come back from soccer, feeling like I earned myself QT on the couch with my TV. Alas, it was not to be. I must either find a solid torrent or wait till it goes live on My feelings can best be described as...utterly and completely deflated.... Continue Reading →

What the Frack D? Starbuck? Ellen?

Why Dee? WHY!!!! I'll keep the rest of this short, because if I think too hard about BSG it gives me nosebleeds. Here's my quick and dirty prediction on the last cylon--I just wasn't sure if they said with certainty that Ellen was it (how else would Starbuck have found her dead self and ship!).... Continue Reading →

TAT Tip #2: Cook at Home

I'm just going to be honest with my meager readership and say, I'm least when it comes to cooking. I didn't pick up the whole domestic goddess thing. My apologies to my future husband, because home-making will NOT be my strong suit. I will be a bread winner, I will be a supportive wife,... Continue Reading →

Twitter Reports on US Airways Flight 1549

Did you hear about today’s emergency US Airways flight landing in the Hudson River on Twitter? Us too. In what seemed like the world’s fastest news cycle, Twitter was undeniably the breaking source for all updates—and if it wasn’t breaking news, it was definitely where the news was disseminated. As soon as the crash happened... Continue Reading →

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